“The Chakras of Tantra” is Free on Amazon for One More Day (06/18/2021)


Best Seller Publishing announces the release of Ganga Dvi’s new #1 international best-selling book, “The Chakras of Tantra: Seven Wheels of Self-Mastery.” It will be available for free download in the Amazon Kindle Store for one more day, June 18th.

Chakras have sparked an unprecedented interest across the world and there has been a vast amount of literature published in recent years. They have inspired spiritual aspirants, seekers and mystics for thousands of years and they have fascinated psychologists, psycho-therapists and the general public for over a century.

This groundbreaking book presents the tantric view of the chakras as they have been treated traditionally within the rich system of tantric practices and help the reader understand how they can be used as powerful tools of self-mastery.

The chakras are fascinating since they are the gateways to consciousness. We will see how they are to be approached for spiritual evolution, to bring about the shift of individual and collective consciousness and how we can work with them so as to attain complete self-mastery

“The Chakras of Tantra” by Ganga Dvi is free and available for download on Amazon for one more day (6/18/2021) at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094PPFC5B

For More Information:

For questions or to schedule an interview about this press release please contact us at (626) 765-9750 or email info@bestsellerpublishing.org.

Best Seller Publishing is a Los Angeles Publishing Company dedicated to helping business owners and entrepreneurs become “the hunted” with their best-selling books.

About the Author:

Ganga Devi is the director and principal teacher of the Himalayan Yoga Institute and has been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation for nearly 3 decades. After being initiated into the spiritual path of yogic meditation in 1988, she decided to spend several years in India and practice with masters who maintained the authentic teachings of yoga and tantra. This was a life-changing decision which allowed her to deeply immerse herself in the ancient wisdom teachings and yogic techniques which is rarely found with teachers in the West. While in India she devoted herself, besides yoga, to the in depth study of Eastern metaphysics, philosophy, Sanskrit, several living Indian languages, Indian classical dance and music.

She is today a spiritual teacher in her own right and has over the course of years fine-tuned her approach to yoga. Since 1989 she has been teaching yoga on retreats, seminars, conferences and workshops in India, Germany, USA, Croatia and the UK