Nadeem Ali


Nadeem Ali is an Indian Entrepreneur, Author and Motivational Speaker he Inspired many Young to become self made in early age. They Motivated across the world many people Inspired with help and become Successful in their life. Nadeem Got opportunity when he was finding way to creating Entrepreneur in India he saws a YouTube video which Inspired him more then he realised toe start their own YouTube channel Named as Nadeem Ali.

Successful personality makes their luck on their own. They do not wait for God or miracle to happen on one fine day and bring Success. Nobody becomes Successful overnight. Now a days when a video goes viral on social media people call it an that video consists of too many sleepless night filled with an anxiety and lots of passion, creavity alongs core commitment.

There are Few people who have dream and passion for entrepreneurship Nadeem comes in that category. Nadeem Ali an 18 years old entrepreneurs who manage 3 different YouTube channels and 2 unique startup at the young age he comes from Uttar Pradesh Jaunpur district. They started learning more about businesses, entrepreneurship, startups any many more at the age of 17 and spending more times learn & execute. In this age children spends there times for playing games and wasting there times with friends, using social media but Nadeem born with rich mindset they invested there times for reading books, exploring their passion to improve himself. At the age 18 he invested $100 of YouTube Money on books.

If more young minds like Nadeem Ali Show their bravery then a huge percentile of the unemployment problem will be solved easily. Youths like Nadeem Ali are the backbone of our nation which is helpful for our country to uplift our economy. In India Youths aree so Energetic, innovative, Artistic, Creative, Confident, Enthusiastic and dynamic in nature. They don’t fears to take risk and carry all of the Characteristics to build up a strong foundation of a developed country.