Hong Kong – Inland Revenue Department waives surcharges for payment of tax by instalments for businesses and individuals in need


Inland Revenue Department waives surcharges for payment of tax by instalments for businesses and individuals in need


     The Inland Revenue Department (IRD) has started issuing the tax demand notes for the year of assessment 2020/21. Taxpayers who encounter financial difficulties in settling their tax bills on time may apply for payment of tax by instalments before the due dates of the demand notes. For taxpayers who have obtained the IRD’s approval for instalment settlement of the demand notes for Salaries Tax, Profits Tax and Personal Assessment for the year of assessment 2020/21 issued between May 2021 and May 2022, no surcharge will be imposed for a maximum period of one year counted from the respective due dates of the demand notes, provided that the instalment plans are duly adhered to. Further, the IRD has extended the applicability of the previous support measures to waive the surcharge for instalment settlement of demand notes for the years of assessment 2018/19 and 2019/20 as follows:

Year of assessmentDate of issue of demand note
2018/19From December 2019 to May 2022
2019/20From August 2020 to May 2022

     For taxpayers who need to apply for payment of tax by instalments, please complete the application form and return it together with the required supporting information and documents to the IRD. Relevant details are available on the IRD’s webpage (www.ird.gov.hk/eng/tax/cws4.htm).

     For further information, please call the Enquiry Hotline at 187 8033.

     The above support measure is not applicable to individuals who have to settle their tax liabilities before departing Hong Kong and taxpayers paying property tax.