Ashcroft – Ashcroft Fire Department Hall Retrofit
Expand the apparatus bay, renovate changing areas, and upgrade fire station to improve emergency response times.
Harrison Hot Springs
Harrison Hot Springs – Fire Hall Renovation
Expand and renovate the facility to meet COVID-19 and seismic requirements.
Hixon Volunteer Fire Department Society – Hixon Fire Hall Upgrade
Expand the fire station to accommodate operational needs in accordance with COVID-19 protocols.
Lake Cowichan
Cowichan Valley – Mesachie Lake Fire Hall Retrofit
Renovate the fire hall including installing new HVAC system plumbing, electrical and mechanical works, installing flooring, as well as upgrading the kitchen, bathroom, and roof to reduce energy usage and extend service life of the fire hall.
Northern Rockies
Northern Rockies Regional Municipality – Fire Hall & Public Works Structural Foundation Replacement
Replace the structural foundation of the building to ensure continued operations of the fire hall and public works building.
Port McNeill
Port McNeill – Fire Hall Upgrades
Upgrade the fire station including replacing the roof, flooring, and bay door as well as installing a generator to help minimize response time in emergencies.
Quesnel – Fire Hall #1 Upgrades
Renovate the fire hall to increase seismic structural stability, bring the facility up to current building and accessibility codes and standards, provide a changing room for female firefighting volunteers, increase the size of the apparatus bays, decrease occupational hazards and lower GHG emissions.
Seabird Island Indian Band, First Nations of
Seabird Island Band – Fire Hall Addition and Renovation
Renovate and expand the Seabird Island Fire Hall to provide space to properly physically distance and accommodate modern fire apparatus in the current fleet. Addition of washroom, shower and training space will better allow the fire department to follow COVID-19 protocols.
Thompson-Nicola – Vavenby Volunteer Fire Hall Addition
Construction of an additional apparatus bay at the Vavenby Fire Hall to store fire protection equipment.
Thompson-Nicola – Blackpool Volunteer Fire Hall Addition
Construct an additional apparatus bay at the Blackpool Fire Hall to store fire protection equipment.