Canada – Parliamentary Secretary Marc Serré to Make a Forestry Announcement (Virtual)


Marc Serré, Parliamentary Secretary to the Honourable Seamus O’Regan Jr., Minister of Natural Resources, will make a forestry sector announcement.

OTTAWA — Marc Serré, Parliamentary Secretary to the Honourable Seamus O’Regan Jr., Minister of Natural Resources, will make a forestry sector announcement.

A media availability will follow the event.

Date:                 June 16, 2021

Time:                12:30 p.m. EDT

Location:         This virtual event will be held using the Zoom platform. Accredited media are asked to pre-register to participate.

Note: To help ensure optimal simultaneous interpretation sound quality, journalists are encouraged to use a microphone (headphones/headset) or, when possible, a landline, and to avoid using speaker mode if queuing up for questions.

If phoning in, please confirm your phone number, name and outlet with Media Relations so we can unmute your line during the question and answer period.

Ian Cameron

Senior Communications Advisor

Office of the Minister of Natural Resources
