An Award-Winning Poet Shares a Material that Will Help Parents and Educators Build Foundation for Early Childhood Learning


Children’s lack of reading and comprehension skills can be a detrimental factor toward their academic development and overall success in the future. Therefore, it is important for parents, and early childhood educators to support a child’s learning with supplemental reading materials. Furthermore
the best way to stimulate understanding of the written material, is to enable the child to translate what they learned from the story into illustrations or narratives.
These ideals are promoted by Leighton Hollar, an award-winning poet, author, and publisher. As a result, he has eight published books that are both entertaining and conducive to learning for children. One of his books, “Spirit of Thanks,” inculcates the value of gratitude while allowing children to exercise their minds through fun poetry and illustrated with brightly colored images. Mr. Hollar understands that curiosity is an important tool for learning, and children are inherently curious about the world around them. By providing a fun reading material, Hollar effectively stimulates this curiosity and allows the child to expand their comprehension.
In “Spirit of Thanks,” children are introduced to holidays that represent gratitude. Hollar wrote the book in unique rhyme scheme that’s fun for children and can easily be understood by them. He also included colorful photos and illustration inside that can help retain the attention of a child and also emphasize the message.
Hollar, throughout his career had won multiple awards at poetry symposiums and from small press magazines. Some of these awards include Creative Arts and Science Enterprises’, Accomplishment of Merit Award ’93, Poetic Eloquence ‘s Readers’ Choice Awards ’95, Poet’s Corner Magazine’s, Distinguish Member Award ’97, Famous Poets Society, Certificate of Recognition ’02, and Poetry.Com, Editors’ Choice Award May ’04.
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Spirit of Thanks
Author: Leighton Hollar
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Published Date: June 2021
Book Genre: Poetry

About the Author:
Leighton Hollar is a West Indian-American Poet who immigrated from Kingston, Jamaica to the Bronx, New York in the early seventies. He began writing poetry in the late sixties and continues to develop his craft at poetry reading and workshops throughout the United States.
Leighton; a graduate of Kingston College, Jamaica West Indies, is the author of 10 Books to date, co-author of two with Charity Ferris and the publisher of 16 under his Stallion Book Production Label. He also co-authored and published The Coming of Three Spirits under his earlier Phase 2 Productions Label. Cynthia Harris and Gabrielle Lane – Clark are the other two co-authors and kindred spirits. They are both African-Americans who grew up and hone their craft, in New York City.