Hong Kong – Over 3 500 blood donors and Elite Partners commended for their contribution in blood donations


Over 3 500 blood donors and Elite Partners commended for their contribution in blood donations


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) announced the list of outstanding blood donors today (June 13) to commend 3 633 blood donors who have achieved 25-times donations and above (multiple of 25) in 2020/21.

     Dr C K Lee, the Chief Executive and Medical Director of BTS expressed his deep gratitude to the unfailing support from different sectors of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. 121 740 donors managed to come forward and donated 204 808 units of blood, turning into 420 293 units of blood products for clinical treatment. They have brought warmth, hope and light to patients and their families.

     Dr C K Lee reiterated that a sustainable and stable blood supply is an integral part of the health system. He urged members of the public to support World Blood Donor Day on June 14. This year, the slogan is “Give blood and keep the world beating”. The message highlights the essential contribution blood donors make to keeping the world pulsating by saving lives and safeguarding others’ health.

     In addition to individual donation awards, Elite Partnership Awards were presented to following commercial and community partners, in recognition of their enthusiastic support and remarkable achievements for blood donation. The respective winners are:
     Elite Partnership Award 2021 (Corporate)

  • Prudential Hong Kong Limited
  • Sino Group
  • Link Asset Management Limited
  • LAWSGROUP (D2 Place)
  • Mars Hong Kong Limited (KIND North Asia & South East Asia)

     Elite Partnership Award 2021 (Community)

  • Lions Clubs International District 303 – Hong Kong and Macao, China
  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Sik Sik Yuen
  • Blood Donation Alliance

     10 schools were also awarded the Elite Partnership Awards (Secondary School) for their enthusiastic participation in blood donation. The respective winners are:

  • Carmel Pak U Secondary School
  • Hong Kong and Kowloon Kaifong Women’s Association Sun Fong Chung College
  • PLK Ho Yuk Ching (1984) College
  • The Chinese Foundation Secondary School
  • Hong Kong Taoist Association Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School
  • Homantin Government Secondary School
  • Jockey Club Ti-I College
  • Pui Ching Middle School
  • Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial College
  • Tin Shui Wai Government Secondary School

     The BTS invites members of the public to keep donating blood and maintain a stable blood supply for clinical transfusion to patients. To prevent crowds from gathering and long waiting times at the donor centres, donors are advised to make appointments by calling the BTS’ donor centres or via “HK Blood” mobile app. For details, please visit www.ha.org.hk/rcbts.