Turn To The Movement from American rock pioneer Les Fradkin.


Track Title: Turn To The Movement Genre: Rock Launch Date: 26th March 2021 ISRC Code: USCGJ2190039

Les Fradkin is a Producer and Composer virtuoso Guitarist and an innovator on the Starr Labs Ztar. He employs futuristic playing techniques realising Progressive Neo-Classical Rock from the Pioneer of MIDI Guitar.

Les captured headlines as the Original Cast George Harrison in the mega-hit Broadway show “Beatlemania” in the 1970s and has played with The Ventures, enjoyed 16 #1 hits at mp3, Composed #1 hits for French Songstress Mireille Mathieu and Latin Pop icon Roberto Jordan, and won several awards from Akademia as well as several other Indie Music Channel Awards, including 2016 Best Instrumental Recording.

He is also a member of the Television Producers Music Production Hall Of Fame as a Composer and has also been named one of the Top 20 Guitar Synthesiser players of all time by Wikipedia.

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