Soon You Can Rise from the Ashes, Liberating Yourself and Your Life with Jasmine Mbye


Women’s wellbeing has disproportionately declined over the last year, with over 60% of women finding it hard to stay positive. However, Jasmine’s wellbeing has risen after the toughest 18 months of her life. Jasmine is the Director of The Like Me CIC and she’s inviting women around the UK to go from hopeless to hopeful by joining “Rising From The Ashes,” the annual The Woman Like Me L&B Conference taking place on Saturday, June 26 in Bedfordshire. This hybrid event is where Jasmine, and other speakers, will be revealing their hidden stories that make them who they are to empower other women. The Like Me CIC is on a mission to empower 1000 women, which much needed at this time.

“After making it through what was unimaginable and now feeling better than ever, I want to bring hope to women around the UK because the last year has been extremely difficult for many.” – Jasmine Mbye.

Jasmine Mbye is a Speaker, Trainer, Coach and Director of The Like Me CIC. Like many people, she has been through a fair bit in life. Jasmine worked really hard to overcome the damaging legacy of her childhood. So she was almost at a place of despair when she realised approaching 40 that she wanted to separate from her husband which would mean becoming a single mum without any financial stability. However, hitting rock bottom wasn’t as bad as she thought, it was somewhat liberating. It was disheartening to have to start again; however, it was almost like being given a second chance at life. This is a reality for so many women across the UK.

“There is no light without shadow, no happiness without pain.” – Isabel Allende

The Like Me CIC was birthed after being made redundant whilst pregnant and being unable to find work. For the first time in her life Jasmine was almost unemployable as pregnancy discrimination exists. For Jasmine, giving up on her dreams and herself almost seemed like the “right thing to do” because she was a wife and now a mother. However, there was a steely determination not give up. It’s this determination that has led Jasmine to rise up. It is this determination that propels her to persist in her desire to empower women and girls.

“There’s no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” – Michelle Obama

After all that’s she’s been through, talking to other women and learning of the pandemic’s effects Jasmine set out to make this year’s The Women Like Me L&B Conference about restoring lost hope, something so detrimental in present time. She wants to ensure women from all around the UK can join so she opted for a hybrid event; and tickets are available now, go to at Woman Like Me Conference.

The Like Me CIC is a not-for-profit personal development and employability Community Interest Company which specialises in empowering and inspiring the development of confidence, courage and celebration in more vulnerable women and girls so they live a life they really want and show up in their world authentically. Our mission is to empower 1000 women and 1000 girls through events and training, creating millions of possibilities. We partner with individuals and organisations across the UK to better serve women and girls, having worked with the NHS Bedfordshire Recovery College. The company is based in Bedfordshire, to learn more head to

Press contacts:
Founder/Director: Jasmine Mbye
Phone: 078 9998 2203

Marketing Officer: Emma Hall
Phone: 01582 217004, Opt. 2