Chestertown, MD Author Publishes Philosophy Book


A Tao for Now: The Music of Lao-Tsu, a new book by Michael Alexander Strauss, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.

“The Tao does not fit into words or teaching, yet it seems we can help each other in realizing the subtle order of The Universe. Many words have been written. The poetry of Lao-Tsu has long served as a guide to understanding the Tao-that underlying reality beyond time and space and matter which we can experience in our lives. Michael Strauss has provocatively, helpfully woven ideas of modern philosophers, scientists, poets with our culture’s memes into a free-flowing, meditative, accessible contact with the wisdom and music of Lao-Tsu. A friend reading A Tao for Now remarked ‘This is good stuff.’ It is.”

A Tao for Now: The Music of Lao-Tsu is a fresh approach to an ancient wisdom. You will find ideas from many great thinkers in these pages. Spinoza, Buber, Shakespeare, Einstein, Wallace Stevens, William Blake, T. S. Eliot and others are woven into the texture of these 85 poems inspired by the ever-living teacher, Lao-Tsu.

About the Author
Michael Alexander Strauss is a graduate of Yale and has had a distinguished performance career on the viola. He reads eclectically, writes poems, essays and memoir, and his string students excel at every level.

A Tao for Now: The Music of Lao-Tsu is a 106-page paperback with a retail price of $12.00. The ISBN is 978-1-6366-1494-6. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For members of the press, to request a review copy, visit our virtual pressroom at or to buy the book visit our online bookstore at