Amilcar Releases Single “Dancing Fireflies”


Following his recent Electronic EP “Sleep,” Franco-Venezuelan artist Amílcar surprises us one more time with his new single “Dancing Fireflies” inspired by the mesmerizing light show of Mother Nature’s delicate insects.

“This song, inspired by the hypnotic light show of these graceful insects, takes you to a harmonious and relaxing journey of beautiful synchronized sounds patterns. The track gives the sensation of ‘listening’ to what a string of lights hanging in a magical forest would sound like with pulsating synths dominating the song,” Amílcar says about the inspiration for creating this single.

This single, which is available now on most digital music platforms, has a rich electronic instrumentation and evolves progressively. “I have always been fascinated by these insects and their magical luminescence since my childhood when living in Venezuela. I don’t recall seeing them in France, now living in Pennsylvania and encountering them again awoke my fascination with these amazing insects. I wanted to release this song just on time for their annual show here in Pennsylvania, where they are usually seen in late May, peaking during the months of June and July,” tells Amílcar.

“I wanted to create a song that reflects their delicate dance in the sky while creating an awareness for its conservation. The firefly population is decreasing worldwide, and no one is 100% sure what’s causing the disappearance yet there are some theories: habitat loss and degradation, light pollution, pesticide use and climate change,” shares Amílcar.

Amilcar’s single “Dancing Fireflies” can be purchased/streamed at most music platforms worldwide: iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube, Spotify, Deezer, Pandora, etc.

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