Drug-Free Tennessee Encourages Safe, Drug-Free Summer for Youth


The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration interviewed more than 230,000 young adults from 2002 to 2012. It found that on an average June or July day, more than 11,000 teens try alcohol for the first time, while first-time alcohol use during the rest of the year is about 5,000-8,000.

Drug-Free Tennessee has long warned youth and adults alike on the dangers of drug abuse, including alcohol abuse. With summer approaching and school’s letting out soon, DFT is reminding parents to help their kids with drug-free activities so they stay safe and healthy.

There are infinite ideas for safe, healthy activities kids can do during summer from sports, swimming, biking, attending or hosting cookouts, hiking, and more. Some ideas can be found at kidshealth.org, including a breakdown for interests by grade level.

Drug-Free Tennessee has hosted virtual resources throughout 2020 at drugfreetn.org and has continued this year with audio-visual messages and videos aimed at helping people steer clear of drug abuse and addiction. The organization has also long offered virtual learning resources and free materials to all educators wanting to help people learn the truth about drugs. Resources are available free of charge through drugfreeworld.org.

Drug-Free Tennessee distributes the Truth About Drugs booklet, which cover all basic side effects of drugs, common street names, and how to recognize when you are being persuaded by a dealer. DFT also has a range of award winning Public Service Announcements and an award winning feature length documentary detailing the dangers of drugs and addiction. To learn more or to order booklets or view the videos, visit drugfreetn.org and drugfreeworld.org.