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Shufti Pro to Explore NFC Based Identity Verification in Its Coming Panel Webinar with Global Experts


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Shufti Pro to enlighten the businesses as well as individuals with an in-depth analysis of diverse aspects of NFC-based identity verification in its coming webinar on 10th June 2021. Interested attendees can register for the Webinar and learn from global experts in the payments, fintech and finance industry.

Save the date and join them by registering here: https://shuftipro.com/webinar

Shufti Pro notes that with the rapid digital transformation of the world, it’s not long before the new regulatory measures require the digitisation of ID documents as well. It is expected that the number of chip-based national IDs in the world will increase up to 3.6 billion in 2021.

Already many states are opting for chip-based national ID documents to reduce identity fraud and enhance security measures. Chip-based ID documents encrypt the personally identifiable information of the person to avoid data manipulation. NFC technology is the most feasible technology to verify chip-based IDs due to its rapid adoption by consumers and high accuracy.

Over 80% of smartphones are now NFC enabled which is causing a surge in demand for NFC enabled flows.

With the rising usage of NFC technology in day-to-day activities, it’s not long before the identity verification industry also opts for it. It’s high time for businesses to adopt this next-generation IDV solution to secure their platforms and provide their customers with a user-friendly experience.

Shufti Pro recently launched a new product, NFC Verification, for fast and accurate verification of chip-based e-ID, e-passport, or e-driving licence. Shufti Pro says that NFC Verification will tremendously enhance the customer and end-user experience by accurately capturing data from encrypted chip-based ID cards.

For those interested, Shufti Pro will provide an in-depth analysis of NFC based identity verification with industry experts during a webinar on 10th June 2021.

Primary points of discussion would be:

1. Evolution of digital identity verification

2. Process of NFC verification

3. Pros and Cons of NFC verification

4. Impact of NFC based IDV on user experience

5. Fraud prevention with NFC based IDV

6. Industrial adoption and future prospects

7. Analysis of NFC verification market

8. NFC in payments

The webinar will be hosted by Shufti Pro’s head of sales, Kristina Zakharchenko, who has more than ten years of experience in business development and sales. She is a Customer profiling, product development and customer onboarding expert

Shufti Pro provides its audience with a chance to take part in this innovative discussion with many industry experts including speakers such as Jijo Thomas and Alan Morley. Jijo Thomas is a technical expert in Smartcard & Security at the Ministry of Interior of Qatar and also a founder of smartcardsecurity.org. Alan Morely is a Leader in business and technical consulting in financial regulations and Compliance operations in the US, UK and APAC and is a Co-founder and organiser of the Compliance Roundtable series.

About Shufti Pro

Shufti Pro is an identity verification service provider. It offers digital KYC, KYB, and AML services globally. It uses both human intelligence and artificial intelligence in its technology to provide highly effective and accurate service. Shufti Pro provides an accuracy rate of 98.67%. It has verified users in 232 countries and territories. Shufti Pro has been the first of its kind to provide identity verification services that cover a large number of countries.

For more information contact:

Damien Martin

Marketing Executive

Company Name: Shufti Pro

Contact Number: +44 01225290329

Email: Marketing@shuftipro.com

Website https://shuftipro.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shufti_Pro

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/shufti-pro

Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheShuftiPro/


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