Talk+Tell is a One-Stop Shop for the Self-Published Author


Talk+Tell is a self-publishing company that offers the best book publishing services for authors. Talk+Tell gives authors the opportunity to gain the results that used to be reserved for traditionally published authors. The only difference with traditional publishing is that Talk+Tell makes no profits from the books they publish, leaving the author to enjoy the majority of the proceeds from book sales. As a result, Talk+Tell makes self-publishing a viable option for authors, allowing them to dedicate themselves full-time to their writing.

Talk+Tell publishes a variety of books, ranging from children’s books, to fiction, to inspirational memoirs and business books. Each of Talk+Tell’s services are customized to the author’s brand and target audience in order to ensure their book’s success. Talk+Tell lets their authors retain strong creative control, which is usually not available through the traditional publishing route. By working with Talk+Tell authors save hundreds of hours in the process, they make thousands of dollars in additional revenue, and they get to publish a book they are proud of while selling over a thousand copies in the first year.

With hundreds of thousands of books sold, Talk+Tell helped authors win awards, become international bestsellers, go on book tours spanning North America, and appear in prestigious outlets such as BBC, Vogue, Huffington Post, New York Times, and more. Talk+Tell has successfully launched the careers of authors as thought leaders in their fields.

Most recently, Talk+Tell published WNBA star Crystal Robinson’s best selling debut memoir, Finding Myself, on April 26, 2021. Endorsed by Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Think Again, the success of Robinson’s debut memoir allowed her to launch her successful career as a motivational speaker, thanks to the efforts of the dedicated professionals that make up Talk+Tell’s team.