Canada – Remarks from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on May 7, 2021



Remarks from the Chief Public Health Officer on COVID-19, May 7, 2021

May 7, 2021 | Ottawa, ON | Public Health Agency of Canada 

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to create stress and anxiety for many Canadians, particularly those who do not have ready access to their regular support networks. Through the Wellness Together Canada online portal, people of all ages across the country can access immediate, free and confidential mental health and substance use supports, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

For the numbers update, we’ll focus on the current weekly averages that tell us how COVID-19 is trending now. You can find more numbers and trends at and discussed in my statements and tweets.

This wave continues to challenge us, but we mustn’t lose hope, as the finish line is getting closer. The decline in national case counts has slowed to an average of over 7,700 cases reported daily over the past week and the number of people experiencing severe and critical illness remains high. Over the past seven days, an average of almost 4,200 people with COVID-19 were being treated in our hospitals each day, including over 1,450 being treated in intensive care units, and there were an average of 46 deaths reported each day

This week has seen a number of important developments on the vaccine front, including the announcement of significant increases in vaccine supplies starting this month. To date, almost 15 million doses have been administered, providing almost 42% of Canadian adults with a first dose of protection. As well, this week Health Canada authorized the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for safe and effective prevention of COVID-19 in children aged 12 to 15 years. Expanding access to this age group will protect them from serious illness, prevent further spread in families and communities, and support their return to more connected life, learning, and play

However, for the time being, regardless of our vaccination status, it’s important to follow public health advice and keep up with individual precautions, even as we continue to see more benefits of COVID-19 vaccination.

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and hopefully this year will be the last time we have to say “it is safest to limit celebrations to immediate household members” or to “keep it virtual if you’ve already left the nest.” Moms understand – they invented “It’s the thought that counts” – and they’d tell us there are no limits on thoughts, tributes, trinkets or macaroni and crayon cards. Let’s thank all the Moms for everything they’ve done to care for us by washing our hands, wearing a well-fitting mask and keeping safely apart till it’s time for in-person hugs again!

Next week is the start of National Nursing Week, giving us even more reasons to do everything we can to protect ourselves and others, in a show of gratitude for the incredible skill and dedication of nurses and their healthcare workforce colleagues across the country.

Read my backgrounder to access COVID-19 Information and Resources, including information on vaccination and ways to reduce your risk of infection and spreading the virus to others.

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Public Health Agency of Canada
