N.L. Holmes Releases New Historical Novel – The Sun at Twilight


In the twilight years of the Hittite Empire (1230s BC), Tudhaliya IV comes to the throne as a usurper’s younger son, determined to rule according to the traditional values of justice and clemency, despite the harder advice of his ambitious mother and his questionably loyal older brothers. When his cousin Kurunta, with whom he was raised as someone dearer than a brother, decides his own claim to the throne is stronger than Tudhaliya’s, the latter must decide whether to apply the brutal pragmatism of his advisors or risk appearing weak, and how to manage to leave his own son an empire that is finally free from civil war. The cost will be the sacrifice of his deepest friendship.

The Sun at Twilight is available for purchase in print and ebook formats.

Book Information:

The Sun at Twilight

Empire at Twilight, Book 4

By N.L. Holmes

Publisher: WayBack Press

Published: February 2021

ISBN: 978-1735291659

ISBN: 978-1735291642 (ebook)


Pages: 323

Genre: Historical Fiction, LGBT Historical Fiction

About the Author:

N.L. Holmes is the pen name of a professional archaeologist who received her doctorate from Bryn Mawr College. She has excavated in Greece and in Israel, and taught ancient history and humanities at the university level for many years. She has always had a passion for books, and in childhood, she and her cousin (also a writer today) used to write stories for fun.


Website: https://www.nlholmes.com/

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/nlholmesbooks

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/n-l-holmes/

Promo Link: http://bookbuzz.net/blog/lgbt-historical-fiction-the-sun-at-twilight-by-n-l-holmes/

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Historical Fiction, LGBT Historical Fiction, The Sun at Twilight, Empire at Twilight, N.L. Holmes, BookBuzz

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