Best Selling Author Dr. Tony V. Lewis Releases New Book Between Mountains “Finding God In Valleys”


Everyone likes the view from the mountaintop. It is easy to believe that God is with us when things are going well. But what happens when we have to travel through the valley and we are faced with heartache, sickness, disappointment, and tragedy? What do we do then? Do we look to God for victory in the valleys? Here is the good news. Your battle is the Lord’s. Yes, you are in the battle too. Your valley is your valley, but you are not alone. We have a God who loves us and delivers us, a God who can propel us in dramatic fashion into the tangible realm of His divine provision. It is never too dark that He cannot see, nor too far that He cannot reach us in our valleys.

Between Mountains (ISBN-13 : 979-8731330565) Trade Paper, $14.95; 172 pages, is available from and More information on Between Mountains “Finding God In Valleys” can be found at

About the Author:
Dr. Lewis is the founder and president of Christian Bible Institute and Seminary. He also serves as Senior Pastor of the Dwelling Place of God Christian Fellowship Church in Houston, Texas.

Dr. Lewis has earned both Bachelor of Theology and Master of Divinity degrees, a Ph.D. in Theology, and a Doctorate in Christian Counseling. Dr. Lewis is a Certified Christian Counselor, Anger Management Specialist, Integrated Marriage and Family Therapist, Christian Chaplain and Biblical Life Coach. He is also the author of The Wife He Wants “What A Godly Man Seeks In A Wife “, The Message and The Messenger “ A Guide To Basic Sermon Preparation and Ministry Protocol”, Word Potential “Essays On The Faculty Of Spoken Words “and Pastoral Counseling “An Introduction To Pastoral Care”.

He is happily married to Dr. Carla D. Lewis. First Lady Lewis, an anointed psalmist, and author who works closely in ministry with Dr. Lewis. They are the proud parents of three wonderful children, Tony, Timothy and Breanna. For more information on Dr. Lewis, visit