Co-Win crashes, bad start to 18-45 vaccination in India


After an endless wait, millions of infections, crash of healthcare system and uncountable deaths (much more than the official estimates), India finally opened vaccination for 18-45. However, like most things done by Modi government, it was an utter failure. The Youth that were trying to use the application got frustrated and took their anger out on the social media.

According to the reports, SMSes valid for 3 minutes come not before 12-15 minutes, or never come. Aarogya Setu keeps saying COWIN is down. Even after you register someone who is 18+ after a lot of effort, none of the vaccination centers will register for the age group. In fact, we tried registering in almost all states but none of the places will allow booking for vaccination for 18-45. It’s a sheer mockery of a serious initiative like vaccination. It seems like an afterthought by the government that they need to vaccinate its own people. By January, India had exported 66 million vital doses of the vaccine. Even in April, millions of vaccines were exported without much thought about the domestic needs. 

1075 disconnects without answering or doesn’t pick. No wonder over 1100 people have marked the number as scam. 

Serum Institute of India (SII) today reduced the price of supplying to state governments to Rs. 300 per dose. There was no reported change in the pricing for private hospitals. 

For the sake of the country, we hope that this is addressed at the earliest.