A Streamlined Guide that Will Help Both the Caregiver and the Toddler


The formative years of a child are a crucial point in their overall development. Every person’s cognitive, physical, and social capabilities are enhanced during these years. Therefore, having the right approach is essential in building and solidifying these areas of the development process. Rearing a child is a challenge while guiding them toward a holistic development is a different level.

Betty Sue Hanks is a Master’s Degree holder and elementary professional. Her 30-year illustrious career in early childhood development includes being a master trainer who had conducted training, workshops, and seminars. The experience she had garnered throughout these years yielded a streamlined guide that will help every caregiver of toddlers age 13-35 months. Hanks, presents, “Early Childhood Curriculum and Resource for Toddlers.”

The book is an easy-to-follow guide that will help early childhood educators as well as childhood learning centers in ensuring the wellbeing of children comes first. As someone who had built a career in helping children develop holistically, Hanks fully believes in the importance of building a firm foundation. Every caregiver of toddlers will benefit from the streamlined lessons and instructions within the book. It presents suggestions for activities as well as for instructions on how to effectively conduct them. The activities will help children develop motor skills, sensory skills, language, and socio-emotional skills.

Hanks also wrote the book in standard prose, making it accessible to more people. This will also ensure that every lesson and instruction is better understood by readers.

The book amalgamates benefits that go two ways as it will certainly help the caregiver as well as the toddler. Grab your copy now!

Buy the book at: https://youronlinepublicist.com/product/early-childhood-curriculum-and-resource-for-toddlers-an-easy-to-follow-guide-for-caregivers-of-toddlers-ages-13-35-months-by-betty-sue-hanks/

Early Childhood Curriculum and Resource For Toddlers: An Easy-To-Follow Guide for Caregivers of Toddlers Ages 13-35 Months
Author: Betty Sue Hanks
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Published Date: April 2021
Book Genre: Self-help, Guide

About the Author:

Betty Sue Hanks received a Bachelor of Science Degree from Prairie View A&M University in 1965 and a Master’s Degree from Texas A&M University in 1969. Betty is the author of five books on infant curriculum, guidance and business operations. She was an elementary professional for 30 years and owned and operated an early childhood learning center since 1981. Betty is a master trainer #1572. She has presented trainings, workshops and seminars locally, statewide and nationally. Betty it a lifetime member of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). She is also a presenter for Texas Association for The Education of Young Children (TAEYC). Life Long Learning, NAEYC and Children Ninos.