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HomeUncategorizedSAM-Tree.com says ‘No’ to Extinction!

SAM-Tree.com says ‘No’ to Extinction!


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Unique to the current climate crisis, is a global opportunity to preserve the world’s pre-existing crop of mature evergreen trees.

Mature evergreen trees are FOUR TIMES more efficient at capturing carbon dioxide, than newly planted trees, which take up to 25 years to reach maturity.

SAM-Tree.com has developed a sponsorship model which aspires to pay tree farmers and tree owners in the public and private sectors, to preserve their mature trees as opposed to reaping the rewards of felling them for profit.

Many small farmers around the world, have been incentivized over the past number of decades, to plant some of their land in fast-growing evergreen trees, millions of which are now at a mature stage of development, and are actively awaiting the attention of chainsaws, at a time when our global climate emergency needs their advanced carbon capturing efficiencies as a matter of existential urgency.

The economic model which incentivized small farmers to plant a portion of their land in conifer trees several decades ago, has delivered a crucial modern day climate stabilization opportunity to preserve a global canopy which is now so vital to carbon capture, and the revitalization of atmospheric oxygen.

The SAM-Tree.com business model empowers a unique and powerful opportunity for individuals and corporations to “Say ‘No’ to Extinction”, by sponsoring the preservation of mature evergreen trees.


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