THE SOUND OF HER VOICE a memoir by Sara Gelbard


ADELAIDE BOOKS is proud to offer the latest work by Sara Gelbard The Sound of Her Voice hitting stores everywhere now.

A poetic and unusually constructed memoir, THE SOUND OF HER VOICE, is Sara Gelbard’s story of her experience growing up on one of the first kibbutzim in Israel and how she was forced to repress her individuality and the self-expression of a normal childhood. This book sensitively follows her personal journey through life from Israel to New York and Uruguay and gives voice to how she finally created a home for herself and in her heart, and healed what she lost.

Paperback: 140 pages
Publishing date: July 22, 2020.
Language: English
ISBN-10 1952570190
ISBN-13: 978-1952570193
Product Dimensions: 5.98 x 0.33 x 9.02 inches

Sara Gelbard is a woman of three homes – Israel, New York, and Punta del Este in Uruguay. This may be because she never had a home. She was born in one of the first Israeli kibbutzim in Western Galil near the Lebanon border, of Polish parents who escaped the tremendous horror of Europe. THE SOUND OF HER VOICE is Sara’s exploration of what it was like to live in this unfeeling world as a child, the healing in writing, what her three homes are to her, how marriage healed her, and, ultimately, how she came to understand and forgive how her mother could, in her way, give her away.


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