Celebrating 1000 accidents-free days at 30 breweries… and counting!


A ZERO ACCIDENTS culture is essential to a safe working environment. Ultimately, all accidents are preventable.

With lost time accident (LTA) rates falling 55% since 2015, the strong commitment and efforts shown by several breweries have enabled them to achieve the milestone of 1000 days without LTAs.

In particular 30 of our 82 production facilities across the Group can celebrate this achievement

We manage key risks through our health and safety management systems, training and compliance with our stringent standards that everyone must follow at all times

“Carlsberg is working across its organization, from production to sales and admin, to prevent accidents and build a ZERO accidents culture. This requires relentless focus from all our employees to always think “am I and my colleagues behaving safely?” says Larysa Rybak, VP Group H&S & Quality.

Efforts, commitment and dedication at all levels are the elements making this performance possible. However, there is zero room for complacency! We are still on our way towards a ZERO ACCIDENTS culture and we need to keep safety on top-of-mind as we progress ahead.

Find out more on this in our 2020 sustainability report