Hong Kong – LCSD steps up patrols at its venues to ensure users comply with anti-epidemic requirements (with photos)


LCSD steps up patrols at its venues to ensure users comply with anti-epidemic requirements (with photos)


     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), in collaboration with relevant departments, has stepped up patrols at leisure venues and gazetted beaches during the Easter holiday (April 2 to 6), calling on members of the public to maintain an appropriate social distance with other people. The public should also strictly observe regulations on the prohibition of group gathering and must wear masks at all times when being present in any public place.

     As at 4pm today (April 6), more than 14 000 verbal advice and 21 fixed penalty notices were given out during patrols of venues by LCSD staff. The spokesman appealed to members of the public to exercise self-discipline in order to reduce the chances of spreading the virus in the community.