Hong Kong – DSW and CE of HKCSS appeal to members of various sectors to get vaccinated early (with photo)


DSW and CE of HKCSS appeal to members of various sectors to get vaccinated early (with photo)


     The Director of Social Welfare, Mr Gordon Leung, and the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), Mr Chua Hoi-wai, today (April 6) received COVID-19 vaccination at the Community Vaccination Centre at Choi Hung Road Badminton Centre in Wong Tai Sin. They appealed to members of the welfare sector as well as various sectors of the community to get vaccinated early.

     “Underprivileged groups and grassroots have been hard hit by the pandemic, having to cope with the huge pressures in daily living and financial needs. Only through the whole community’s early vaccination will it enable the gradual relaxation of anti-epidemic measures and lifting the community out of the hardship caused by the pandemic,” Mr Leung said.

     “I would like to thank the staff of welfare organisations and the Social Welfare Department (SWD) for their hard work over more than a year in protecting the safety and health of welfare service users as well as providing appropriate services and support in various innovative ways. Hong Kong people’s efforts in controlling the pandemic are also much appreciated,” Mr Chua said. He encourages members of the public and the welfare sector, while respecting self-choices, to get vaccinated.

     The administrative duties and support work of the Community Vaccination Centre at Choi Hung Road Badminton Centre are undertaken by SWD personnel. Mr Leung took the opportunity to express gratitude to SWD colleagues for their professionalism and active participation, contributing to the vaccination programme’s smooth operation, and the prevention and control of COVID-19.