Special exhibition “Fairy Tales, Sagas and Symbols” at Liechtenstein NationalMuseum, Vaduz


How did the world and life come into being in all its diversity, what is the plan of the supernatural powers that determine destiny, what are the causes of evil, illness and death, and of what extraordinary deeds are there new insights? With its new major exhibition, Liechtenstein NationalMuseum is presenting the topics of fairy tales, myths, legends, fables, and sagas, which form a fundamentally important part of every culture and its collective memory.

The exhibition pursues themes that course through the narratives of people from different cultures. These themes start deep in prehistory and spread at an early stage, echoed today in the modern world of fantasy tales and films. They unfold in the myths, sagas, fables, and legends of antiquity, leading into the world of our European fairy tales, which were initially handed down only orally. Cruel gods, brave heroes, evil spirits and witches, wondrous hybrid creatures, innocent unicorns, benevolent fairies, and mighty dragons as well as legendary swords and valuable treasures among many other figures and characteristics are encountered in these tales. They were written down in different cultures. Carved in clay, penned by the Brothers Grimm, Andersen, Wild, and La Fontaine, illustrated by Doré, Richter, Kubin, Vogeler, Dulac, Schädler, and many other artists. The world of Liechtenstein sagas is also showcased in this context. We are staging two more exhibitions dedicated to fairy tales, legends and symbols: German-Russian artist Genia Chef’s “NIBELUNGENLIED” and this year’s Easter egg display “Once upon a time…eggs tell stories”. Three books will be published for the exhibition: “Fairy Tales, Sagas and Symbols”, “Liechtenstein Sagas”, and “Nibelungenlied” by Genia Chef.

The exhibition is open to the public from Thursday, 1st April 2021 to Sunday, 12th September 2021. Opening hours are as follows: Tue, Thu to Sun 10 am to 5 pm, Wed 10 am to 8 pm

Ticket prices: CHF10.00, reduced: CHF7.00

Website: www.landesmuseum.li

Press images: https://www.landesmuseum.li/de/medien