Pace Women’s Justice Center Presents the Spring S.I.P. (Still in Place) Series


Pace Women’s Justice Center (pwjc), Westchester’s largest non-profit provider of free legal services to victims of domestic violence, assault, and elder abuse, has organized virtual events in support of their community of victims and survivors that have experienced interpersonal violence. During the Covid-19 pandemic, but the pwjc clients are often quarantined at home with their abusers which further reduces their opportunities to access help. All of the S.I.P. events will be virtual and open to the public. The events range from free to a single fee per household but registrations are required for each event. The first event took place on March 11th, with over 100 attendees gathered on Zoom to learn about the impact of Covid-19 on Domestic Violence victims and how they can access help in Westchester County.

The second event in the series takes place April 8th, A Monologue and a Chat, bringing to light the lifelong trauma experienced by victims of abuse. Trauma manifests itself differently for everyone, making it difficult for people who haven’t experienced it to respond, help or understand, leading to the question “why didn’t you leave?” The event starts with an exclusive reading of Cynthia L. Cooper’s monologue, providing some insight on abuse through the eyes of a victim. A live discussion will follow focusing on the impact of abuse patterns commonly referred to as coercive control and the coping methods survivors employ to handle the psychological trauma. Registrations at

The S.I.P. series culminates on Wednesday, April 28 – 8:00 P.M.

“Reconnected” Mentalist and “Fun Raiser” starring Jason Suran

The interactive and mind-boggling, Jason Suran, brings his jaw-dropping psychological illusions to us with his smash sell-out show “Reconnected.” This show features sophisticated acts of mind-reading designed to astonish even those who think they have seen it all. A fast-paced interactive show that leaves you “persistently dumbfounded.” Registrations at

Sponsorships available:

Pace Women’s Justice Center is a self-funded nonprofit legal center located at Elisabeth Haub School of Law, under the 501(c)(3) status of Pace University. Each year, pwjc provides free legal services to over 3,500 victims and survivors of domestic violence, assault, and elder abuse, as well as conducts or participates in over 140 training and outreach events. With an experienced staff and a team of dedicated volunteers, including attorneys, other professionals and students, pwjc has built an effective, coordinated community response to interpersonal violence. (For more information:

Jana Kosberg-Kleidman
(914) 422-4638