5-Time Connecticut Author Publishes Debut Poetry Book Exploring Themes of Love, Grief and Depression in the Wake of COVID-19’s Extended Isolation


The grip of COVID-fear stripped away the human necessity to gather and find succor in times of sickness or loss. The damage from that extended, albeit necessary, isolation left a wound in our hearts that time did not soon heal. Instead, so many were left floundering and have forgotten how to connect with one another. This is where author Heather D. Nelson aimed her book, “Grappling to Light.”

“Let us embrace the white-hot truth of loss. Mine laid bare for you to read, and maybe yours too finally exposed to the light of day for healing to find. Lean in.”
– HDNelson

Heather D. Nelson was originally published in 2009. Her catalogue of now 5 completed works has been award recipients that range from infertility to home education to language and communication. To date, three of her books have received critical acclaim, winning Reader’s Favorite 5-Star Award. When not freelancing as a brand journalist or advocating for Type 1 Diabetes, she stays busy as a wife and mom who homeschool’s three rambunctious boys.

“Grappling to Light” is a collection of poetry and prose that openly shares the vulnerable nature of love, loss, grief, and mourning from behind the lens of the 2020-2021 pandemic.

The book is available on Amazon as both eBook and Paperback at https://amzn.to/2PSqNSn
Nelson’s other books can also be viewed on her Amazon Author Page at amazon.com/author/heatherdnelson

Contact the author for interviews, quotes, or to request copies: