Hong Kong – SCMA hosts virtual briefing sessions to brief Hong Kong people in Mainland on contents of improving electoral system (with photos)


SCMA hosts virtual briefing sessions to brief Hong Kong people in Mainland on contents of improving electoral system (with photos)


     With arrangements of the Mainland Offices of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government in Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, Chengdu and Wuhan, the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Erick Tsang Kwok-wai, today (April 2) chaired five virtual briefing sessions to introduce the background, principles and main contents of improving the electoral system of the HKSAR to hundreds of representatives of associations of Hong Kong residents in the Mainland, as well as Hong Kong people doing business, working and studying there. Mr Tsang also exchanged views with the participants on new electoral system and relevant arrangements.
     Mr Tsang said the implementation of the improved electoral system will plug the loopholes in and eliminate the deficiencies of the existing electoral system. He added that through constructing a political structure that reflects the actual situation of Hong Kong, fully conforms to the constitutional order under the “one country, two systems” principle and manifests Hong Kong characteristics can thereby ensure “patriots administering Hong Kong” and enhance the governance efficacies of the HKSAR Government, thus achieving good governance, developing the economy, improving people’s livelihood and resolving various deep-seated problems with a view to ensuring the continued success of the “one country, two systems” and maintaining the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.
     The Hong Kong people living in the Mainland, who took part in the virtual briefing sessions, fully supported the current work of improving the electoral system and said that they hoped for the expeditious completion of such work to allow the Hong Kong society to relaunch and scale new heights. 
     The participants of the virtual briefing sessions also expressed concerns over the composition of the new subsector of the fourth Sector of the Election Committee under the new electoral system, namely, the “Representatives of associations of Hong Kong residents in the Mainland” subsector. Mr Tsang explained that relevant details are being worked out in an expeditious manner for submission to the Legislative Council’s scrutiny. The composition of the subsector by corporate electors will be decided based on three criteria, the representation and relevance of the association among the community and its adherence to the principle of “patriots administering Hong Kong”.
     Mr Tsang had fruitful interactions and exchanges with the Hong Kong people in the Mainland during the virtual briefing sessions and answered their questions relating to the improvements of the electoral system. Having joined these sessions, the participants said that they gained a deeper understanding on the relevant electoral arrangements, as well as the thoughts and goodwill of the country and HKSAR. They will give their full support to the work of improving the electoral system.
     Mr Tsang appreciated that despite not being in Hong Kong, Hong Kong people who are living in the Mainland are very much connected to the city and hoped that they can make contributions to the country and Hong Kong.  The new “Representatives of associations of Hong Kong residents in the Mainland” subsector is therefore, added to the Election Committee under the new electoral system. Mr Tsang hoped that they will continue to support the work of improving the electoral system and contribute to the developments of the country and Hong Kong in the future.