Hong Kong – FS meets with business and accounting sector representatives on improving HKSAR’s electoral system (with photos)


FS meets with business and accounting sector representatives on improving HKSAR’s electoral system (with photos/video)


     The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, today (April 1) met with representatives from the business and accounting sectors to explain the amendments to Annex I to the Basic Law on Method for the Selection of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and Annex II to the Basic Law on Method for the Formation of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and its Voting Procedures approved by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress in regard to the Decision of the National People’s Congress on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR.

     Two briefing sessions were conducted, with a total of more than 30 representatives of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and the accounting sector attending. The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, also attended the session with the accounting sector. Mr Chan spoke on the background, objectives and amendment details of the improvements to the electoral system, exchanged views with participants and answered questions they raised. He also encouraged participants to brief their sectors and the international community on the improvements to the electoral system, including the importance, necessity and urgency of the amendments.

     Mr Chan said, “An improved electoral system will strengthen the executive-led political system and enhance the governance capability of the HKSAR Government, thereby enabling the community as a whole to focus on progressively resolving Hong Kong’s deep-seated issues to allow sustained social and economic stability and prosperity. The HKSAR Government will spare no effort in explaining the amendments and in pressing ahead with the work on amending relevant ordinances to strive for early and full implementation of the new electoral system.”