Adrienne M. Somerville’s book “WINGSPAN: Talent Management


    HUGESVILLE, MD, April 01, 2021 /24-7PressRelease/ — Adrienne M. Somerville launched her new book “WINGSPAN: Talent Management – Gaining Corporate Dominance,” and it immediately became a Best Seller.

This short read is your “Grab and Go” for the who, what, when, where, and why of Talent Management principles and practical steps; allowing readers to employ today, in any field of expertise, at any organization. All the fundamental information to understand, design and deliver a successful Talent Management Program to your organization resides within WINGSPAN, as it illuminates a game-changing program which resolves time-consuming and profit-reducing issues facing organizations.

WINGSPAN delivers every valuable piece of information succinctly, establishing a new standard of ensuring employees, at all levels, know they represent the organization’s most valuable resource, its talent!

In a recent interview on Thriving Entrepreneur Radio Show, Adrienne said, “We have to build that bridge of tying all of the facts and figures, all the data and the analytics to the faces and the feelings of the workforce members. […] WINGSPAN illuminates that everybody has a talent, and my goal is to help you identify it, and more importantly unleash it for the good of the organization.”

The host, Steve Kidd said, “Nurturing our workforce is one of the most key ways to ensure success in your business, and Adrienne shares important methods in which to do that to gain success for your ‘mission’. I urge you to get her book on Amazon today!”

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Adrienne Somerville is known as an international Talent Management expert, successfully leading organizations through implementations that dynamically improve performance and increase profits.

A graduate of Norfolk State University, Florida Institute of Technology, Georgetown University Legislative Affairs Institute, and Harvard University Kennedy School Executive Program, Adrienne builds her reputation on sound principles that produce results. She believes in building relationships with the right people, and is well known as a front-runner in the Talent Management field at the federal and state levels, as well as many private organizations and corporate businesses.

Adrienne’s philosophy begins with her belief that everyone on your team deserves to understand the required knowledge, skills and abilities warranted for professional success, Furthermore, Adrienne believes a company is the sum of its parts, which includes investing in a process and tool, shared across the company, which provides accurate information used as the basis for decisions, at the leadership, managerial and employee level.

Adrienne is a renowned leader in Talent Management, and is sharing, in her book WINGSPAN, everything you need to know to implement a successful Talent Management program in your organization.