DP holders in Singapore will need a Work Pass from 1 May 2021


Dependant’s Pass Singapore (DP): In a bid to align the requirements for DP holders who wish to work here, with the requirements for all other foreigners working in the country, Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in an announcement on Wednesday, said, “From May 1, 2021,  all foreigners holding a Dependant’s Pass will need an applicable work pass (e.g. Employment Pass, S Pass or Work Permit) to work in Singapore, instead of a LOC [Letter of Consent].” Currently,  DP holders who are dependants of Employment Pass, EntrePass, or Personalised Employment Pass holders, can apply for a LOC to work in Singapore.

Importantly, existing DP LOC holders will be allowed to continue working until the expiry of their LOC. But, MOM added, “Employers will need to apply for an applicable work pass should they wish to continue employing existing DP LOC holders after their current LOC expires. For employers and DP LOC holders who wish to do so, MOM will facilitate the transition to a work pass. The relevant qualifying salary, dependency ratio ceiling, and/or levies for the respective work passes will apply.”

Read more about this news at InCorp Global.