Retired Teacher from Woodland, CA Writes Faith-Based Children’s Book


Fruititude: Growing Spiritual Virtues Through Adversity, a new book by Shyreece D. Pompey, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.

This new book is a faith-based primer for troubled youth or teens, young adults, or even mentors who wish to walk alongside them when experiencing adversity. Young married couples starting their own families can use this primer to begin healing from past broken relationships. It is great for youth group Bible studies or small group talks. This book is not to define the fruits of the spirit for an exhaustive content study of each one, but instead it’s designed to depict what each desired character trait listed could look like as it’s applied or lived out in the circumstance of the fictional fruit-named characters.

This book uses personified fruit characters who go through relatable circumstances that broken individuals or families can identify. Author Shyreece D. Pompey uses the wisdom of the Scriptures, reflective drawing/journaling, and cooking, so that individual families can begin to heal from traumatic experiences.

About the Author
Shyreece D. Pompey, retired Public School Teacher in 2015, is now a faith-based Author. HOPE: It Will Not End with My Death is another book that challenges the heart to endure times of suffering with grace. Shyreece received her master’s degree in Educational Leadership shortly after being diagnosed with a rare Stage IV lung cancer. Despite the illness, Shyreece diligently served on nonprofit boards and held offices that positively impact local communities. Being trained as a Stephen Minister equipped her to face her ongoing medical challenges while helping others with traumatic situations. Overcoming insurmountable odds to become a professional teacher for 17 years was Shyreece’s childhood dream.

Shyreece is married to Minister Douglas W. Pompey of 30 years and is actively involved with her three grandchildren. She loves container gardening, singing, and making lap quilts. Nothing brings Shyreece greater joy than watching God work in the lives of Believers living in a fruitful relationship with Christ Jesus. Growing in the image of Christ is the reward now, and dwelling with Jesus forever is the ultimate gain. Originally from the “Michiana” area, Shyreece taught there for 28 years alone. Currently, residing in Woodland, California, she loves the community she has found there, but Michiana will always be her home.

You can keep up with Shyreece and her inspiring journey on her official website

Fruititude: Growing Spiritual Virtues Through Adversity is a 104-page paperback with a retail price of $37.00. The ISBN is 978-1-6491-3851-4. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For more information, or to request a review copy, please go to our virtual pressroom at or our online bookstore