Exploring what it is to be creative. Creatives with Ken Lehnig a podcast.


On this podcast we explore the very starting point, even before there is a twinkle in the creative’s eye. I want to chat about the seed of artistry, the genesis of that good effort and human outlay we call creativity.  I will not debate creativity and thus art’s value – I believe that is mote and I refuse any attempt at diminishing the need for all Artistic expression in a balanced and healthy society. A long-lived artist, author, poet, songwriter, singer. multi-instrumentalist, speaker, and music producer hosts this podcast.

Being a Creative happens in the midst of being creative. In other words, being compelled to create and in the process finding the artist in you. There is no right way to become a Creative. I suggest the creative existed before the recognition, that same recognition being unimportant. Trust the process, of permission, discovery, work ethic, and skill sets, to creation. ‘Tis Like taking your first baby steps the creative muscles become stronger and more defined.

This is a pod cast for the support, promotion, and inspiration of Creatives and those who want to be. I’m your host Ken Lehnig. I just posted the 67th episode.

Welcome to Creatives

Listen to Creatives with Ken Lehnig on: Anchor.fm, Breaker.audio, Goggle Podcasts, Radio Public.com, Spotify.com/podcast, and Stitcher.com

About Creatives with Ken Lehnig

Creatives is a pod cast for the support, promotion, and inspiration of Creatives and those who want to be. I’m your host Ken Lehnig.

Welcome to Creatives

What you will hear on this podcast is the exploration, unpacking the reality of creativity, to chat with creatives and their expression in the world, and the way that expression is realized.

We are going to go deeper into the artistic soul, and heart, that is the underpinning of all creatives. When we acknowledge our creative nature, we travel that same road; no matter the level of our competence. We share this journey.