Marine Online’s platform offers shipowners direct access to marine services


Top Quote ADK Maritime Pte Ltd enlisted the help of Marine Online for their vessel’s safety-related works to be carried out in China. End Quote

  • (1888PressRelease) March 26, 2021 – The pandemic’s devastation disrupted numerous worldwide maritime operations – with companies either ceasing operations or impaired by travel restrictions. This resulted in shipowners’ deadlock in finding reliable vendors and subjecting their vessels to neglected maintenance.

    ADK Maritime Pte Ltd enlisted the help of Marine Online for their vessel’s safety-related works to be carried out in China. A representative of ADK Maritime Pte Ltd commented: “We had a vessel in China due for servicing, but did not have any contacts in the republic. Moreover, we understand that certain vendors work on cash-on-delivery basis. Marine Online’s platform connected us to a reliable vendor offering competitive rates, and their issued credits helped us address the payment gap.

    “After posting our required service, the team at Marine Online responded shortly with available vendors near our vessel. Eventually we had both the servicing carried out, and payment promptly made. We highly recommend shipowners to try Marine Online’s platform for their extensive network of reliable partners.”

    Edmund Chik, vice president of Marine Online, remarked, “We are pleased to be able to help ADK Maritime with their vessel servicing and prompt payment. Our swift response to ADK Maritime is enabled by our A.I. – and Big Data-supported platform, which performs smart matching of shipowners’ vessel to the nearest service providers within our network. Apart from connecting the two, our value-add is the Marine Online credits that help shipowners address the payment gap. Infusing modernised approach with traditional industry practices, we are confident of the platform’s role in building successful connections and elevating the industry’s efficiency.”

    The industry continues to recognise the need for digital initiatives. Marine Online has successfully demonstrated the efficacies of digital transformation as a key driver for quicker and smoother transition. It is an effective way to produce a business more aligned to ever-evolving industry demands and resilient in the dynamic digital future.
