Water Sharing Disputes Between AP and Telangana


Sharing of Krishna river waters is being carried out as per working arrangement agreed between both the States of Andhra Pradesh (AP) and Telangana, out of the total 811 TMC allocated by Krishna Water Dispute Tribunal-I (KWDT-I), pending award of Krishna Water Dispute Tribunal-II (KWDT-II). However, with regard to sharing of Godavari river waters, there is no agreement between AP and Telangana.

In the second meeting of the Apex Council held on 06.10.2020 under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister (Jal Shakti) with Hon’ble Chief Ministers of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, following decisions in respect of resolving water sharing disputes between AP and Telangana were taken:

For considering the request of Telangana for a Tribunal under section-3 of Inter-State River Water Dispute (ISRWD) Act, 1956, Telangana has to withdraw the case it has filed in the Supreme Court on the subject. After receiving such assurance, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India will seek legal opinion on whether a new Tribunal has to be appointed or new Terms of Reference can be issued to the existing KWDT-II to hear the matter.

Both the States agreed for setting up of a Godavari Tribunal for adjudicating on the sharing of the waters of Godavari river between AP and Telangana. Hon’ble Union Minister (Jal Shakti) requested both the States to send their proposal for the same.