Men’s for women safety, a unique initiative by Shri Kuldeep Rai – MP of Andaman & Nicobar


A special program was organized at Hotel Jukaso Inn to make men aware and responsible for women safety as part of “Mens for Women’s Safety” campaign in Delhi, under the leadership of Kuldeep Rai Sharma, Member of Parliament of Andaman and Nicobar.

Many eminent personalities namely Anooja Kapoor , Lehar Sethi, Vinod Malhotra, Vikram Kochar , Rajat Shrivastava , Praful ji from Cancer Bhagao etc. have confirmed their graceful presence for the event.

Team PARI (People Against Rapes in India) are proud to be the organising partner for the event titled “Men For Women’s Safety” under the exemplary leadership of Yogita Bhayana, founder of PARI and a renowned social activist always strongly advocating for gender equality.

Member of Parliament, Andaman & Nicobar, Kuldeep Rai Sharma said, “People always talk about women’s safety, but somewhere they fall behind on various issues. We always aware women about safety in the event/program or any activities. But it’s necessary for real safety of women, men should be aware about safety. So, I decided to start a campaign for Men for Women safety. So no one can stop a woman from moving forward. Events intend for all the men present on the occasion to take a pledge to respect, empower and protect women. We wish to spread awareness amongst them on the topics such as gender equality, gender sensitization, safety, respect and dignity for women etc.

Female lawyer Anooja Kapoor said, “For the safety of women, you have to start from your home. Your children understood the way the environment was created. I have two sons, they understand the importance of everything. They do not think that they are men. They do all the household chores. This initiative was very important, I thank Kuldeep Rai ji

Yogita Bhayana, Founder, Pari said “We declared Haiderpur district as a rape free zone on the occasion of Women’s Day this year and organized a daylong program to make women aware of it. We found that women as well as men we also want to join with us, so we envisioned a campaign that would not only make men aware of women subjects but also add their presence in a series and inspire them to work. Special thanks to Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma Ji, for the unique concept.