Divinity Clergy Wear Pairs Divine Selection with Fantastic Prices and Unbeatable Service


For those who regularly shop for clergy jackets, robes, vestments and other rare clerical vestments and accessories, the name Divinity Clergy Wear is certain to elicit powerful emotions of gratitude. It is one of the largest suppliers of clerical garments and vestments on the internet.

Despite the limited supply of sellers serving the need for these unique and exquisite garments with rich and colorful histories, Divinity Clergy Wear does not take undue advantage of its preeminent position. Since their inception they have striven to supply a broad assortment of garments and accessories appealing to a range of tastes, to provide great prices, value added services and excellent advice to their customers. In this they have not only succeeded but excelled.

For those looking for the finest traditional clerical garments that money can buy, Divinity Clergy Wear is a breath of fresh air. They have placed as much emphasis on maintaining a dignified, traditional approach to design as they have to producing and marketing novelly inspired designs. From austere black cassocks and robes to humbling and awe inspiring rochets, stoles and robe sets of white, they leave little to be desired.

Divinity Clergy Wear, as an apostle clothing store operating from DivinityClergyWear.com, has also broken ground with its more contemporary and modern designs. Many of their accessories and robe sets make the most of modern inspiration and a more drummed up flair. Interested inquisitors can find golden, silver and burgundy robes among their collection, elegantly and floridly brocaded and decorated.

Divinity Clergy Wear also carries a full line of accessories for altar servers, Roman Catholics or Anglican bishops, and others involved in liturgical services or the duties of acolytes. They even carry a wide range of preaching dresses for the ladies, along with clergy jackets, and clergy shirts – with both banded and tab collars.

They’re also their customers’ prime source of information. Any customers who have taken a shine to the historical development of influential clerical garments and accessories will find their customer service team a veritable font of information. The website’s blog is also an excellent source of information for those interested clients who would like to learn a little more about the history of the church, color symbolism in relevant garments, and other relevant topics.

Of course, that does not cover the breadth or scope of the organization’s customer service. Their customer service team has proven as quick with words of wisdom and recommendations as it has been with the answers to customers questions.

Interested customers need only contact them to have address their concerns, deliver their comments, or receive answers to their queries. Divinity Clergy Wear can be reached by email at jordan@divinityclergywear.com, or by phone at 877-453-3535. For parties who would like to visit them in-store, contact them by phone to inquire about hours before visiting them at their showroom in Hamilton, New Jersey.