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HomeUncategorizedLaTribuna Christian Publishing Announces "Healthcare an American Heartache"

LaTribuna Christian Publishing Announces “Healthcare an American Heartache”


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Chaplain Paul has been serving in nursing home ministry for almost 12 years now and he has seen firsthand the need for change in American healthcare. Chaplain Paul has also been a health care activist for over 25 years now fighting for a better healthcare system in America.

Chaplain Paul was quoted saying, “Healthcare an American Heartache is the story about what happened to my family in having to deal with a broken healthcare system in America. I wrote this book to serve as both a warning and a guide for people who enter into American healthcare. The fact is if we do not know how to affectively navigate through American healthcare, we run the real risk of being led like sheep to the slaughter for profit and greed. The pain and hardship that my family had to endure was inexcusable, no family should have to go through what my family went through when placing their faith and trust into our health care system.”

Chaplain Paul was also quoted saying, “After my mother and father died back in the 90s I decided to fight back with love, I began bringing homemade cheesecakes into nursing homes, care centers, medical rehabs, and hospitals to show appreciation to doctors, nurses, and staff members in the hopes that the power of love would transcendence into the quality of care for the patients.

I also added, How To Protect Our Loved Ones in American Healthcare to this book which is a very easy down to earth guide on how to protect ourselves when entering into American healthcare. It is my hope that all those who read this book will learn from it and apply its teachings to their lives.”

Chaplain Paul’s newest e-book “Healthcare an American Heartache is Free on Amazon from March 17 until March 21 and is Free to Amazon Prime members and it is also Free as a PDF file on the Miracles of Kingman website along with many other of his books.

LaTribuna Christian Publishing supports acts of kindness, and compassion, and love towards others, for more information please visit their websites.

Media Contact:
LaTribuna Christian Publishing
Chaplain Paul Vescio, CEO
YouTube Channel at Chaplain Paul Vescio


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