Hong Kong – Hospital Authority’s reply on media enquiries about patients’ admission background information


In response to media enquiries, the spokesperson for the Hospital Authority (HA) made the following reply:
     To facilitate public understanding of the situation, the Government will announce the number of patients feeling unwell and being transferred to hospitals after receiving vaccinations from the Community Vaccination Centres through press release.
     Starting from yesterday, the Government has included in the press release the statistics on new cases of stroke or acute myocardial infarction in the past 24 hours that required admission to public hospitals’ Intensive Care Unit, Acute Stroke Unit and Cardiac Care Unit. This figure is the actual total number of new cases admitted to concerned wards due to stroke or acute myocardial infarction. This will only serve as a cross reference for the general public to comprehend the severely unwell cases after vaccination against the hospital admission situation of similar kinds of patients.