A Page-Turner That Never Stops


Hogan’s mystery “Unicorns Don’t Wear Shoes” invites readers into Wes Wilson’s world where his horse and cutting competition fulfill his life after he battles school board politics as a high school principal. Readers relate to the way he cares about Skipabeat, his flashy red Quarter Horse stallion, about his teachers and their programs, and about his students, even the troublesome ones.

The excitement begins when Wilson discovers the slain body of a swarthy man piled at the back of a stall in the stable where he returns Skip after an event. And naturally, police suspect the one who finds the body. Readers identify with the loneliness of the recently divorced man now facing police interrogations. They hope for romance when he thinks of the woman on the Arabian he met at the cutting event. Cathy McLeod becomes a helpful ally along with the pony driver Mrs. Magers.

Can a man who is insecure about a crooked tooth have the courage to stand up to an ex TopKick who continues crushing a kitten despite the tearful pleas of Susan, one of the young girl riders? Wilson remembers Golden Glove bouts from college and military, but not the crushing pain a trained military man can administer.

A reader feels the blows in the fight and hears the rhythmic hoof beats of dear old Mrs. Magers’ Hackney driving pony. It’s a world where even the perceived villain, stable owner Colonel Fellows, has a sad past arousing sympathy. Hogan draws the reader into a world where the dust of an arena chokes the breath or the unexpected Pinesol in a slaughterhouse stings the nostrils. And the reader joins in the grateful taste of a milkshake to a captive.

The plot keeps twisting with stolen horses at a slaughterhouse, a barn fire at McLeod’s, and the murder victim’s terrorist connections. Wilson’s son even drifts through with a handy answering machine. As if he has no problems, the principal must also join a search to clear his agriculture teacher accused of kidnapping a girl student. 

Readers will hurry to turn the next page until they reach the explosive conclusion.

Grab your copy now at her website, https://helenhoganbooks.com/

Unicorns Don’t Wear Shoes
Author: Helen Hogan
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: June 13, 2020
About the Author
Helen Hogan is retired from teaching college English, Helen judges several horse breeds. She loves traveling with her husband of 52 years, Berry Hogan. The couple enjoys sitting in the backyard swing with a glass of wine and playing with their dogs. Helen M. Hogan’s published mysteries include Warning Shot and Driven to Win.