It All Starts with a Dream


We often give ourselves lesser credit than we’re due especially when we fail. However, what we don’t realize is that we own the key that unlocks the door toward abundance, blessings, and success. Jacqueline Robertson, a successful entrepreneur, licensed real estate broker, paralegal, and a person who had worked in the field of occupational therapy for over 25 years is ready to teach every reader how to unlock their full potential for success. In her book, “Dream It First: The 80/20 Law to Manifestation of Dreams and Goals,” Robertson preaches about the universal messages that center around the mysterious theory of the 80/20 law.

Robertson is part of the 20% of the population who understands the esoteric knowledge behind the 80/20 law. In this book, she scrutinizes the basic foundations of this law and emphasizes the importance of Dreaming it. She offers a holistic approach to understanding the inner workings of success. She also breaks the common misconception of people about hard work yielding success. It helps, but it is not entirely because of it. She preached a technique that will allow everyone to attain their dreams and desires with little effort and by following the principles of the universal 80/20 law.

Overall, the book is a very empowering read. It opens up a paradigm shift for a reader and allows the mind to immerse itself in the laws of the universe. It also leads the reader to the knowledge that success is always up for the taking and that it starts with a simple step; Dream it First!

Unlock your success. Grab a copy now!

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Dream It First: The 80/20 Law to Manifestation of Dreams and Goals
Author: Jacqueline R. Robertson
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Published Date: February 2021
Book Genre: Self-Help
About the Author
Jacqueline R.  Robertson is motivational and business speaker who writes from highland. She is an entrepreneur, who has owned businesses in the hospitality, healthcare, real estate, and legal arena, a licensed real estate broker/paralegal, insurance agent and has worked in the field of occupational therapy for over 25 years. In 2014 she was awarded Senator Mike Morrell’s Women of Distinction Award.