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HomeUncategorizedSPIC paves way for poverty alleviation in NW China's Yanchuan

SPIC paves way for poverty alleviation in NW China’s Yanchuan


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State Power Investment Corporation Limited (SPIC), one of the biggest renewable energy companies in China, has well fulfilled its social responsibility as an enterprise and given a big leg up to poverty alleviation efforts in Yanchuan county, Yan’an, northwest China’s Shaanxi province.

Since 2013, SPIC and the county government have built four modern agriculture demonstration parks and helped establish 974 greenhouses equipped with solar panels. (SPIC).VIDEO:https://youtu.be/r_D1SS9SG_k

Since 2013, the SPIC and the county government have built four modern agriculture demonstration parks and helped establish 974 greenhouses equipped with solar panels. The company increased income for more than 500 householders, as each of the greenhouses brings in an average annual income of 40,000 yuan ($6,165).

New functions were added to the greenhouses last year with the assistance of the SPIC, such as automatic monitoring, sensing, and controlling, which enables operators to control the smart equipment in the greenhouses on a mobile app.

Apart from the efforts made to scale up Yanchuan’s agricultural industry, the SPIC also introduced a clothing factory to help local people improve their income, said Wang Wei, Party chief of Shuangmiao village in the county.

Established on July 24, 2018, the clothing factory now has 12 assembly lines with a monthly output of 100,000 pieces of garments and employs 242 local people, including impoverished residents. After the phase-2 project of the factory is completed, another 100 jobs will be created for poor residents from local communities.

Besides, the SPIC also built rural roads and installed solar street lamps in Yanchuan county, and is attempting to reduce poverty by improving local education.



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