Homegrown Buttermilk Blend Manufacturer : Naturalich


Buttermilk is a fermented dairy drink. Naturalich offer a premium quality of Butter Milk Blend that is a perfect combination of spices oleoresins like Black Pepper, Coriander, Cumin, Ginger etc to add not only flavor but the aroma that’s required in a perfect Butter Milk Blend. The oleoresin obtained by extracting dried seeds, leaves of many spices through the process of Super Critical Fluid Extraction green technology method which blend by our specialized R&D team. Blend of Butter Milk is Brownish liquid with spicy aroma consists of various components namely Piperine, Linalool, Gingerol.

Presence of such chemicals makes butter milk blend best for flavour. Butter Milk blend will make your recipe even more delicious & the aroma of fresh spices will make your mouth watering.

Butter Milk Blend is a powerful flavour for Indian traditional Butter Milk (Chhach). The eclectic mix of herbs and spices add to the many health benefits of butter milk.

Buttermilk blend may offer several health benefits, including improved blood pressure, bone and oral health.

Butter Milk Blend