Islamic Studies Book Series-Kids Islamic Studies Books


Islam commands parents to teach kids about Islam from the beginning. Their kids can become a charity only if they educate them on the principles of Islam. In order to educate the youth and children about Islam, a number of resources including books have been published which have proven quite fruitful. In spite of this, a complete Islamic education book series felt missing.

Islamic Studies Series is a set of Islamic books recently published by Darussalam designed for children of every age. The purpose of the book series is to teach kids about the pillars of Islam and the importance of manners. The book explains the basics of Islam, the importance of the pillars of Islam, and the value of etiquettes in daily life. 


One of the things we Muslims miss so much is that we consider the knowledge of the world as “education” and do not consider learning the commands of Allah as the major and fundamental part of “education”. This is the basis on which our schools, colleges and universities prepare their syllabi. The absence of proper Islamic studies courses is one of the root causes of all the issues we are facing today.

The book is being sold like a hot cake and people are appreciating the author’s efforts and hard work. Read the blog Islamic Studies Series for more details.