AI Anchors At The Daily Scrum News: A New Era of News Anchoring In A Brave New World


Technology has amazed the world in different spectrums and it continues to do so, especially within the news world. From two dimensional avatars with robotic voices to fully synthetic humans, technology within the last ten years have grown by leaps and bounds. The recent venture by the Daily Scrum News to use AI News Anchors is truly revolutionary. The unique concept of Digital Synthetic Human AI’s reading news is both striking and a step to the new decade of scientific and technological possibilities. The AI, with its perfection in presentation is hardly detectable from their voices, skin texture and down to their mannerisms.

The Daily Scrum News happens to be the only digital news organization in Canada utilizing Digital Synthetic AI News Anchors as their predominant spokespeople. They have their headquarters in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The primary focus of this news network is to cover Canadian Politics while highlighting the events within the United States and around the globe. A believer of honest reporting and a humanistic outlook in their news presentation, The Daily Scrum News has stepped in the new era of embracing technology. Their usage of the Digital Synthetic AI happens to be the best proof that they are looking to the future while offering a legitimate way for some of the world’s most renowned anchors to extend their distinguished careers.

The Daily Scrum News engaged the top AI companies from around the world to implement their vision. They chose to work with a company in the UK that was responsible for producing iconic projects for David Beckham and Snoop Dogg.

The Daily Scrum News will change the future of Canadian news broadcasting and continue to explore the limitless possibilities of Digital Synthetic AI Humans.

This organization was founded by Donovan Martin, (C.E.O) in the year 2018. They had published their first article in the year 2019. For delivering unbiased news without the rhetoric, the company has a bright outlook for 2021.

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