Medtech Focused Intellectual Property Advisors KIPA Adapt to Bolster International Business Relationships Amidst Corona Pandemic


The Sweden based IP agency KIPA (Krahbichler Intellectual Property Advisors), known for their high quality work and technical expertise especially in the field of medtech,  returns to China Hi-Tech Fair 2020. Last year KIPA made a big splash with their distinct green booth featuring Scandinavian style hand made wooden furnishing. Due to the ongoing pandemic KIPA decided to do it differently this year.


In addition to attending the online exhibition that CTHF offers, KIPA is cooperating with the Sweden-Shenzen Business Association to hand out patent related marketing material at the show.


This way KIPA managed to keep an on-site presence without compromising safety. At the Sweden-Shenzen Business Association booth you will find brochures outlining “Your gateway to Europe”. KIPAs effort to aid Chinese businesses in expanding to the European market by helping with patent and trademark related questions such as freedom to operate analyses. 


In line with contemporary trends you will also find KIPA branded pens that feature Antimicrobial technology. Any little thing that can make events safer during these trying times.


For KIPAs Chinese speaking patrons we have launched a brand new website in Chinese with all the information you need regarding KIPAs services. 相关信息 欧洲知识产权事务所


KIPA (Krahbichler Intellectual Property Advisors) is an European IP boutique working with global clients. KIPA is specialized in medical technology (medtech) but handles any kind of IP cases. KIPA is experienced with prosecutions, litigations, oppositions as well as trademarks.