New Book by Gary Pedler: Gaydonia


ADELAIDE BOOKS is proud to offer the latest work by Gary Pedler Gaydonia hitting stores everywhere on August 12th, 2020.

Government apparatchik Davor Matosic launches a daring plan to raise revenue in the cash-strapped country of Zablvacia – he’ll transform it into a gay tourist mecca. His opponent, a former fiancee, pushes a rival plan to make money from a line of deliberately mediocre, weight loss inducing foods. The two factions slug it out, with the help and interference of Davor’s gay son, his mother, wife, and daughter, and the entire population of Zablvacia.

Gary Pedler has written two adult novels, a YA novel, two story collections, and, a little to his surprise, a play. A resident of San Francisco for longer than he cares to admit, Gary qualifies as a true Bay Area denizen. Yet after a recent escape from his white-collar wage slave job, he’s spent much of his time rambling around the world and, of course, writing about everything he sees. Gary’s travel memoir Couchsurfing: the Musical is published by Adelaide Books, and his MG novel Amy McDougall, Master Matchmaker will appear in spring 2021 from Regal House. Find out more about Gary at

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