Adam Frankenstein: Search for a Soul Wins Book Prestigous Award


Frankenstein lives again in this short story collection that has won awards and critical acclaim.

Adam Frankenstein: Search for a Soul by Sheila English is a collection of short stories that has recently won the prestigious Literary Titan Award and garnered praise from readers.

Mary Shelley’s creature is over 200 years old, but the popular science fiction character still intrigues readers and critics alike. Each story gives insight to the creature and his life including a run-in with none other than Dracula.

“Poetically, and by murky gaslight, Sheila English dazzles the reader with pressing adventures and a companion by our side.” – Literary Titan

The collections include four Adam Frankenstein stories in different eras. As he searches for his humanity in London brothels and French villages, he finds that sometimes his greatest obstacles are humans themselves.

“It is almost inconceivable that anyone would try to add to the Frankenstein legend, but this collection does so and does so well.” – Paul Broome Amazon 5-Stars

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