What points to check when hiring a lemon lawyer?


Summary: Many disgruntled lemon car buyers have no idea of how to proceed with the next step. After discovering that the car is a lemon, you need to contact a competent attorney specializing in Lemon Law TN New Car. This way he can use his legal acumen to build a rock-solid case without any loopholes in it. Let’s see some ways you can separate the ideal lawyer from the others. For this you to keep some factors in mind.

As an experienced lemon law firm in TN, Allen Stewart has a pulse on what lemon car buyers need to look for when searching for attorneys. In fact their search should begin by looking for experience. The fact remains that not all attorneys take up cases in this sphere. There are some few lawyers that specialize in taking up lemon law cases as they have practiced it for quite some time.

Yes, it is a key point that matters. Imagine if a lawyer dealing in civil cases and hasn’t tried even a single lemon case? Will he be a good choice to handle you lemon law claim?

The answer is no.

Only capable attorneys who have had prior experience of handling lemon law cases can be assured to do a good job.

The second point you need to check for is if the lawyer can communicate well with the buyers. Imagine if you keep providing details after details on your case, and all he says is a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Or worse, he merely nods his head. This is a disastrous choice to make. A good lawyer will listen patiently to your grievance. But at the same time, he will also offer his wisdom on how to best pursue a particular angle within your lemon law case. This is the sharp legal; acumen that he will put to good use in fighting on your side against the army of lawyers possessed by the erring manufacturer and dealerships.

The third point is that they should not ask for nay upfront fees. The law recognizes that the buyer has already suffered enough due to the defective car purchase experience. It allows him to deflect the burden of lawyer charges? This is done through the fee-shifting provisions inside the lemon law. The premise of this provision is simple. If you win the case, your lawyers’ fees are borne by the losing party, i.e. the manufacturer or dealership. If you do not get the compensation, the lawyer will let go of his fees too. Keep this point in mind. If any lawyer asks for an advance or upfront payment, then it is a potential red flag. You can move to you next choice of lawyer safely.

A spokesperson of Allen Stewart says that “a lawyer must have the credibility and experience to overcome all challenges and help his client to win the lemon law case.”

About the Company

Allen Stewart Corporation is a professional corporation of attorneys situated in Dallas, Texas. They feel passionate about serving those clients whose rights are harmed by the others. For a reliable attorney for Lemon Law New Car in TN, contact Allen Stewart today.

Contact Information

Office Address: 1700 Pacific Avenue Suite 2750, Dallas, Texas 75201
Phone no.: 866-440-2460
Website: www.allenstewart.com