Yuvabharathi Public School won Brainfeed School Excellence Awards


Brainfeed School Excellence awards are being presented to the Best Schools of India for excelling at quality education ceaselessly in sync with the new-age educational trends.Yuvabharathi was honoured at the 5th National Conference on Teaching, Learning And Leadership & School Excellence Award organised by Brainfeed, an educational magazine.
Yuvabharathi was recognised among the best CBSE schools of Tamilnadu for achieving excellence in quality school education towards the development of society and conferred this award as part of the Brainfeed School Excellence Awards for the top 500 schools of India (2017-18).
The selection committee was unanimous in selecting the school for its contribution towards the cause of quality in education through exemplary performance in the category of Best infrastructure, Sports Education and STEM education.

At the Brainfeed 6th National Conference and School Excellence Awards Ceremony held at Hyderabad on the 31st of January 2019, Yuvabharathi Public School was conferred the School Excellence Award 2018-19 in the following categories:
Best CBSE School, Inspirational Leadership, Sports Education, STEM Education and Happiness Quotient Index School
Ms. Geetha Jayachandran, Principal, received the award.

In the Brainfeed 7th National Conference, held in Hyderabad in December 2019, Yuvabharathi was conferred as one of the Best Schools in India and won accolades for excelling in the following categories: Academic Excellence, Co-curricular activities, STEM Education , Happiness Quotient Index School and Best CBSE School